Outsourcing air company. A A A
Marani PL Marani EN Marani DE Marani RU

Compressed air systems

We build and equip new air-compressor facilities and we lead restructuring processes of compressed air management technology in large industrial enterprises, coal mines, smelting works, metal companies, food processing, hospitals in order to achieve maximum energy savings. We are an ESCO type company (Energy Saving Company).

We act in three areas :
– constructions of new or modernizations of existing air-compressor facilities;
– the decentralization of the compressed air sources and networks;
– the diversification of the compressed air supply depending on the degree of the filtration and the level of pressures;

We offer the full range of activities:
– energy audit;
– conceptional project;
– technical project;
– montage and starting of machines, crew training;
– twenty-four-hour service;
– financing of the investments ( contracting );
– management of compressors stations ( outsourcing )
– e-monitoring of compressed air

As an technical integrator, we use our own equipment (see product catalog) or equipment of leading companies in the world.